Fact sheets derivative funds

Published on august 16, 2018
Fact sheets derivative funds

It is often said that in the summer months volatility and volumes on the financial markets are low. For the four indices in which the active leverage funds are active, this is not entirely true.

The Nifty Index made a new all-time high, while the Bovespa Index - measured in euro - had the best month since October 2016. The Japanese stock market remains stable, but the Chinese stock markets suffer from the trade war with the United States. Nevertheless, economic growth continues in the emerging countries, with the developed economy of Japan showing low growth for many years. For details on the funds and economic development, you can consult the fact sheets.

Are you curious about the current trend of the main indices of Brazil, China, India and Japan or do you want to know the return in the Active Leverage funds? You read it all in the latest factsheets.

Intereffekt Active Leverage Brazil

Intereffekt Active Leverage India

Intereffekt Active Leverage China

Intereffekt Active Leverage Japan

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