Fact sheets derivative funds

Published on july 5, 2018
Fact sheets derivative funds

In the first half of 2018 the financial markets turned out to be very volatile at the beginning and the end of these six months. Except for the Nikkei Index, the Nifty Index and the HSCEI Index had to take a step back. The Bovespa Index fell into a downward trend due to ongoing political problems.

Although the financial markets are under some pressure, economic growth shows, except for Japan, a positive development. For a detailed overview of these developments and the trend in the market, reference is made to the fact sheets.

Are you curious about the current trend of the main indices of Brazil, China, India and Japan or do you want to know the return in the Active Leverage funds? You read it all in the latest factsheets.

Intereffekt Active Leverage Brazil

Intereffekt Active Leverage India

Intereffekt Active Leverage China

Intereffekt Active Leverage Japan

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