High Dividend Equity Funds

'What we believe as professional investors is the idea that if you want to make better returns than the average investor, you should start by doing something different but in a very structured way'.

That is why we run our portfolios in a very structured way. Our focus is on keeping the quality of our portfolio up to our minimal standards and deliver outperformance at a lower volatility level.

High Dividend Equity Funds
More information about investing in Frontier Markets,Vietnam and Africa as well as information about our mutual funds can be found on the pages per sub fund:
TCM Global Frontier High Dividend Equity
TCM Vietnam High Dividend Equity
TCM Africa High Dividend Equity

Managing Company
The Managing Company of TCM Investment Funds is Trustus Capital Management B.V. (Trustus). Trustus is an independent asset manager which manages individual and group assets. It manages the assets of private investors, foundations and institutional investors. Trustus has more than 30 years experience in managing mutual funds directed towards frontier & emerging markets.

Trustus has been granted a licence by the Securities Transactions Supervisory Board [Autoriteit Financiële Markten] in accordance with the Investment Institutions (Supervision) Act [Wet toezicht beleggingsinstellingen].

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